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  • Love Affair With a Circulatory System – SIDE A & B | 2021

Love Affair With a Circulatory System – SIDE A & B | 2021

Artist: Nikolas Soren Goodich
Medium: Acrylic on plexiglass in open two-sided maple frame embedded with LED lights and transformer and pedestal
Dimensions: 14 x 14 x 3 inches

From the series Luminous Symmetries, this small-scale luminous work presents a single gender fluid profile portrait on the works “day” side and on its “night” side. The two sides reflect symbolic ideas of day and night, being awake and being asleep, being aware or being ignorant. These dialectical positions are also echoed in the title, with the idea of circulatory systems, which can be in the human body, in the world of ideas, in the complex context of human interactions, love and hate, empathy and indifference.


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